SHPO’s Autumn Regional Hub in Price, Utah
October 18 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Join us for a day of educational sessions that will help your community take advantage of all the State Historic Preservation Office has to offer. Our services range from technical assistance from a historic architect, financial incentives for historic preservation, and even support with urban and nearby archaeological sites.
Meet members of your community working in the areas of historic preservation, Main Streets, and archaeology and be inspired!
800am: Arrive & Mingle
830am: Welcome & What is SHPO
845am: National Register of Historic Places
10am: Certified Local Governments Program & Grants
1030am: Utah Cultural Site Stewardship Program
11am: Tax Credits (Federal & State) for Historic Rehabilitation
1130am: Utah Cemeteries Program
12-1pm: Catered Lunch
1:00pm to 4pm: Main Street
October 18 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
451 North 400 East
Price UT 84501